Friday, June 12, 2009

How's that working for you?

Okay, so as you know, we started doing weigh-in Wednesdays. Tough! There is now accountability! YUP! We all have goals that we want to achieve. We want to get stronger, gain muscle mass, get leaner, look good in a swimsuit, etc. However, the question then becomes what are we doing about it? I am also guilty on this aspect, especially this past month. Yes, I can come up with a million excuses as to why. It's the end of the school year. I'm stressed out. I haven't been able to get all my workouts in because of running the kids to their little league games and dance practices. I had three kids back-to-back-to-back. (I could go on forever here.) But yes, even to me....there needs to be a REALITY CHECK! When I get in my whiny excuse ridden mode, Brett always asks me the same question which seems to puts me in check....... "And how is that working for you?"

He is right. So, let me ask you! How is your current lifestyle and eating habits working for you? Are you happy with your weight, your strength, your endurance, your muscle mass? If the answer is no, then obviously your current lifestyle is not working for you. Something needs to change!!!! If you do not change will not see any changes or yield results. Things will ALWAYS stay status quo! Therefore, We need to start to peck away at the things that are affecting our progress. Start small. Do one thing a week: eliminate starchy carbs or gluten, get 8+ hours of sleep a night, workout an extra day in addition to your training, eat more like a hunter-gatherer.....DO SOMETHING DIFFERENT!

So, as our discussions continue on creating lifestyle changes that support our goals, we need to get real with ourselves and continue to aim for the large picture here. If we aren't continually PRing or making gains, then something in our food and/or lifestyle has begun to break down. We are the ones in charge of our life here. We need to eliminate our inner demons. So next time you catch yourself making excuses or saying "but I can't eat that" or "it's too hard". Well, ask yourself this one question...... "How's that working for you?"

Reality check!

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