Wednesday, October 14, 2009

We're back!!!!!!!!!

Yes, even we worked out while on vacation. We had to stop and do the "Crossfit pose" during our runs. Even though I hate running, how can you complain with this view?

AMRAP 20min:
1 burpee deadlift
1 burpee power clean
1 burpee squat clean
1 burpee squat clean and jerk

Post times to comment.


Just a picture to remember us by! Below are your homework assignments. Complete these throughout the week and make sure to post to comments below. IT IS NOT AN OFF WEEK!

MONDAY (or whatever day)
10 rounds:
10 squats
10 push ups
10 sit ups

WEDNESDAY (or whatever day)
800m run
400m run backwards (yes, it is awkward...look over your shoulder as you run backwards)
800m run
400m run backwards

FRIDAY (or whatever day)
"Kettlebell Ladder"
Kb Swings
Sumo Deadlift High-pull (feet are wide, chest is up, pull from shin to chin)
Push up

When posting each time, mention which WOD along with times.

You design the finisher...

Trying to find our happy place with Mike's finisher suggestion....tabata bar hangs (knees up if you can). Oh baby, talk about a good burn!

WOD~ Pull up intervals
1 min on and 1 min off for 20 minutes. Try to pick a number for each "on minute" and use that as your goal throughout the wod. Compare your results to 8/10/09

Post grand total of pull ups to comments.

Swingers in the morning!

We will hold class today, Wed. the 21st as typically planned. We will also hold a class tomorrow, Thursday night at 5:30 pm (instead of the Friday evening class). We will NOT BE HAVING CLASS THE WEEK OF OCTOBER 25-31ST. Don't worry....we have it all planned out and you are not off the hook. You do have homework assignments. hee hee hee If there are any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.

Steve A. and the morning bunch get an early swinging session in!

Overhead Squats 3x3

7 OHS (95/65#)
7 burpees
Post times and weights to comment. Oh and ....

Happy Birthday Brett!

Friday, October 9, 2009

Why Barefeet?

This week, we will be holding class on Monday the 19th and Wed the 21st as typically planned, we will also hold a class on Thursday night at 5:30 pm (instead of the Friday evening class). We will NOT BE HAVING CLASS THE WEEK OF OCTOBER 25-31ST. Don't worry....we have it all planned out and you are not off the hook. You do have homework assignments. hee hee hee If there are any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.
When we coach heavy strength days, often times we will tell people to take off their shoes. Footwear or lack thereof is a valuable tool for optimizing workout performance. Why? Our response is to 'get back to nature and get rid of the cushy padding that makes you wobbly.' But, being a teacher, I can best explain this through Newton's third law of motion: "for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction." So, think of it this way, while you stand on the ground, you are pushing down on the ground and in return the ground pushes back on your feet. Following me so far? So to optimize our lifts while we are working out, we want to get back as much as possible of that energy back. More energy returned equals a stronger lift.

This in turn leads us to the second use of physics; harder surfaces and materials transfer energy better than softer, cushy surfaces and materials. So, think about it, when you are standing on the hard ground in cushy tennis shoes, there is a larger buffer that will absorb the transfer of energy. Whereas, barefoot, there is no little to no buffer for the transfer of energy. Not to mention that lifting in bare feet helps to create stability and flexibility in some joints and muscles. Lon Kilgore and Mark Rippetoe argue this point by stating that "there is an increased chance for a balance or stability loss-induced injury while lifting heavy weights, since perfect balance cannot be assured on an imperfect surface". Bare feet bring more stability and increased force transfer, which yields stronger lifts. So, take those shoes off during heavy lifting days!

WOD: "The Chief"
Max rounds in 3 minutes of:
3 Power cleans (135/95)
6 Push-ups
9 Squats
Rest 1 minute.

Repeat for a total of 5 cycles.

From Crossfit Headquarters: Each year in the United States Navy, a highly qualified and elite cadre of Sailors are selected and promoted to the join the ranks of Chief Petty Officer. Since 1893, "The Chiefs" have been relied upon by subordinates and superiors alike for their personal example, technical expertise and above all, their unique leadership capabilities. As the induction process for newly selected Chief Petty Officers is now underway throughout the US Navy, we thought it appropriate to inaugurate "The Chief" in honor and recognition of all past and present CPOs. Thanks to them and their families for their self-sacrifice, ability to adapt, tireless dedication to mission and devotion to country.

Post rounds completed for each of the 5 cycles.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The beauty of a snatch

Bob and Steve Y. muscling through sumo deadlift high-pulls. A highly effective, yet torturous movement!

Okay, back to the true topic of today's discussion...your snatch! (Get your minds out of the gutter.) I'm talking about one of the two Olympic weight lifts, with the other being the clean & jerk. We often do the "Burgner Warm Up" to lead into these movements, well now that we are beginning to become proficient with this movement, it's time to chug along and further develop it. During a snatch, you are basically lifting the barbell from the floor to overhead in one motion (unlike the clean & jerk which utilizes two movements). This lift usually starts slowly and finishes fast and dynamically. (Remember our cues: "slow... slow.... now drive!") The trick is all about explosion and speed. Which is why it is such an important movement to learn. We have said it before and we will say it again, the use of Olympic movements help not only to develop your physique, but also increase strength, agility, explosiveness, coordination, balance, concentration, and flexibility. When done properly, the snatch is one of the most effect lifts, the biggest bang for your buck you could say. However, form is critical. So be forewarned....we will be spending a great deal of time working up to our weight for the set and we are closely watching you today!

WOD: "Isabel"
30 snatches for time (135/95#)

Post time and weight to comments.


UPCOMING SCHEDULE MODIFICATION!JUST A HEADS UP.... at the end of October, there will be a few minor changes, as we will NOT BE HAVING CLASS THE WEEK OF OCTOBER 25-31ST. Don't worry....we have it all planned out and you are not off the hook. You do have homework assignments. hee hee hee On the week of October 19th, we will be holding class on Monday the 19th and Wed the 21st as typically planned, we will also hold a class on Thursday night at 5:30 pm (instead of the Friday evening class). If there are any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.

Boys lifting heavy. What more could a gal want? Except for more bumper plates, Olympic bars, d-balls, squat rack.... oh sorry, I digress.

WEDNESDAY NIGHT FIGHTS! (Time to get revenge on your trainers....)

A Walk Into The Sunset

JUST A HEADS UP.... at the end of October, there will be a few minor changes, as we will NOT BE HAVING CLASS THE WEEK OF OCTOBER 25-31ST. Don't worry....we have it all planned out and you are not off the hook. You do have homework assignments. hee hee hee On the week of October 19th, we will be holding class on Monday the 19th and Wed the 21st as typically planned, we will also hold a class on Thursday night at 5:30 pm (instead of the Friday evening class). If there are any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.

We finished off one of last week's wods with a 'walk into the sunset'. Oh, did I mention that you must actually lunge into the sunset...oh and you need to add weight overhead. What a beautiful night for our walk. The morning crew didn't have such a picturesque walk. ;)

Student in Rippetoe's Barbell Class: "If you had to choose between wearing no shoes or running shoes to lift in which would you pick?"

Rip's response: "That is like asking me to choose between stabbing myself in the eye with a fork or burning the roof of my mouth with extremely hot pizza. Can't we just avoid both?"

WOD: "Running Helen"
3 Rounds
800m run (we will modify if the weather is really crappy)
21 kb swings
12 pull ups

Post time to comments.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Burn Baby Burn!

Feel the burn Tai!

5 Thrusters (95/65#)
7 Hang Powercleans
10 Sumo Deadlift High Pull
Post times and weights to comments.


Above, Steve Y. stands by his bar that has been set up for "Uneven Grace". The tape helps to keep this workout a true challenge for the midline with the use of uneven loads. It forces you to manipulate the bar in a new manner without moving towards either side in attempt to compensate for the weight difference. Also, notice Sue's use of the hook grip below. It's the start of something beautiful! :) A trainers true delight!

Shoulder Press 5x5

100 m walking lunges using overhead weight (plate or med ball)
Post sets to comment. Oh, and....... Happy Birthday Gary!

Friday, October 2, 2009


Post WOD fun! The fishing game championship goes to Mike with a grand total of 885! Anyone up for a challenge? Try to beat the top score and we will pass the championship on to you! (I need to find some kind of fishing hat for the champion to pose with!)

Go full out and keep a continuous count on the following:
5 min squats
4 min box jumps
3 min push ups
2 min kb swings
1 min ab mat sit ups
Post count to comments.