Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The beauty of a snatch

Bob and Steve Y. muscling through sumo deadlift high-pulls. A highly effective, yet torturous movement!

Okay, back to the true topic of today's discussion...your snatch! (Get your minds out of the gutter.) I'm talking about one of the two Olympic weight lifts, with the other being the clean & jerk. We often do the "Burgner Warm Up" to lead into these movements, well now that we are beginning to become proficient with this movement, it's time to chug along and further develop it. During a snatch, you are basically lifting the barbell from the floor to overhead in one motion (unlike the clean & jerk which utilizes two movements). This lift usually starts slowly and finishes fast and dynamically. (Remember our cues: "slow... slow.... now drive!") The trick is all about explosion and speed. Which is why it is such an important movement to learn. We have said it before and we will say it again, the use of Olympic movements help not only to develop your physique, but also increase strength, agility, explosiveness, coordination, balance, concentration, and flexibility. When done properly, the snatch is one of the most effect lifts, the biggest bang for your buck you could say. However, form is critical. So be forewarned....we will be spending a great deal of time working up to our weight for the set and we are closely watching you today!

WOD: "Isabel"
30 snatches for time (135/95#)

Post time and weight to comments.


  1. The AM'ers

    45lbs for all

    Joe 2:37
    Steve Y 2:44
    John 3:41
    Becky 3:14
    Bob 3:53

  2. I had a little scaling brain fart. we went WAY to light in the AM. fortunately the problem will be corrected for the afternoon class.

