Sunday, January 31, 2010

Monday, Monday, Monday!

10 Bar push ups
10 DL
Post rounds to comment.

Thursday, January 28, 2010


New member, Tracy, has been kicking some major butt around here lately. Watch out folks! She is going to be a person to contend with! Way to go Tracy! We are glad to have you on board!

Steve and Joe P. work through some front squatting action!


Shoulder Press 3x1

Push Press 3x3

Push Jerks 3x5

**Compare to 11/6/09

Post loads to comments.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

DL and Dips

Gary works hard to keep Steve's feet warm through the team workout.

Tai, "Dude, I think you are squishing my feet."

Strength..... it's a weird thing. Mental, physical, spiritual.... we need strength to get through. Lately things have been crazy at the Mendola household and it seems like life is throwing one heavy a$$ weighted dodgeball after another. It's enough to make you want to scream or break down and cry (well, maybe not Brett, but me anyways). However, then we are reminded on a regular basis that we have some pretty amazing friends. YOU guys are our strength and support. We appreciate that so much. I can only hope that we are able to give you all an ounce of the strength and support that you give us! Strength, it's a powerful thing!

~ Speaking of strength (sort of)....
Deadlifts (225/185#)
Ring Dips

Post time and weights to comments.

Sunday, January 24, 2010


An aggressive and explosive pull is critical with oly lifts, here Tai shows a vicious extension on his pull. Notice his feet and you can see the power a pull like this can generate when it is done accurately.

Diane in excellent set up before lifting heavy weight.

Mary Ann (above) and Mike (below) muster through DB cleans while Chief (above) gets in his squats.

WOD~ "Lynne"

Five rounds for max reps of:
Body weight bench press
Post reps for both exercises in all rounds.
**This is not a timed event, take the rest when needed. The goal is strength based!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

A Dina Specialty!

Working on our gymnastics skills!

Since everyone is whispering sweet nothings about my programing these days, I thought it would be a fun way to end the week with a Dina original!

WOD~ Kettlebell ladder

kb swing (2 pood/ 1.5 pood) **note: This is what we want to work up to eventually, but scaling is what is critical to maintain good form until we are ready.
Push ups

**Compare to 10/30/09
Post times and weights to comments.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


"You cannot move forward from some idealized point in the future that has not yet arrived.
If you are to move forward, you must do it from where you are now.
Though it may not be perfect, it is plenty to get you going.
Wishing for more, or feeling resentment because you don't have more, will only waste your precious time.
Although there is no guarantee that your actions will be effective, one thing that is certain is that nothing will happen if you take no action at all"

~ James FitzGerald, aka OPT, Crossfit competitor pictured above

WOD~ "The Chief"
Max rounds in 3 minutes of:
3 power cleans
6 push ups
9 squats

Rest 1 minute. Repeat for a total of 5 cycles.

Post total rounds completed and weight to comments.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Models Wanted!

So, we decided that it might be a great idea to create our own little Conviction calendar. Above is January's pin ups. whhooooo whoooo (That's a cat whistle folks!) Can you recognize any members of our little community?

WOD~ Pull up beat down (Your bar exam)
10 rounds (or 20min)
1 minute of pull ups
1 minute of rest

**Compare and try to beat your numbers from 10/22/09
Post score to comments.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

You be the teacher!

Above is a photo of Nick working a 45# single arm dumbbell thruster. A pretty decent sized load that helps to build both strength and stability. Nick is a strong fella that is pretty solid in his full range of motion. He maintains deep squats (below 90) into solid overhead lifts (head popping through at the top). When working any movement in a workout, this is what we should all strive for... full range of motion. It's how you get the best work with maximum results. So now that I have pumped Nick up a bit, it is time to pick him apart (all for the purpose of learning so that we can all improve). In the top photo, Nick has some technique issues. Time for you to be the teachers! Can anyone identify these technique issues? Post your thoughts to comment. For the record, he did do a full squat. This photo was captured on the way up to his thruster.

Front Squat
Push ups

Post time and weights to comments.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The Gathering

Becky, the honorary assistant coach of the 5:30pm class, offers her support and encouragement to Steve as he battles through the workout.

Above is the finisher: Nerf Wars! Watch out, those kids can be aggressive!

20 DB squat cleans (30% of body weight)
10 DB presses
15 DB squat cleans
15 DB presses
10 DB squat cleans
20 DB presses

Post times and weights to comments.

Below is the human siren test, prepare to be amazed. However, I might add, your hair looks great!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Above is Aimee Anaya, one STRONG a$$ chick! By the way folks, that is 87kg ....not 87 lbs. 87 kg is equivalent to 191.4lbs. She and her husband, Gregg Everett (who we were extremely fortunate to meet and train under) are really guiding the movement towards elite performances of the oly lifts.

Notice in the picture above, Aimee has full lock out and control in her receiving position of the snatch. This is critical because when you are not solid in the receiving position, you will loose that bar, especially when dealing with a weighted load. Watch her training video above to get a feel of how today will progress!

WOD~ "Randy"
75 snatches (75#)

**challenge--- squat snatches**

Post times and weights to comments.

Thursday, January 7, 2010


TEAM WOD ~ "Trevor Win'E"
In teams of 4, with only 2 people working at a time, complete:
300 pull ups
400 push ups
500 sit ups
600 squats

Post team members and time to comments!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

John and Gary working on various forms of push ups. My what strong boys we have!

3x5 bench press

3 rds
10 pull ups
10 Single DB thrusters (10 each hand) **use approximately 25% body weight each hand)

Post weight and times to comments.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

The PM class working through their heavy box steps.

20 kb swings (2pood/1.5 pood)
20 pull ups
20 kb swings
20 burpees
20 kb swings
20 box jumps
20 kb swings
20 sdhp (w/kb)

Post time and weights to comments.