Sunday, January 10, 2010

Above is Aimee Anaya, one STRONG a$$ chick! By the way folks, that is 87kg ....not 87 lbs. 87 kg is equivalent to 191.4lbs. She and her husband, Gregg Everett (who we were extremely fortunate to meet and train under) are really guiding the movement towards elite performances of the oly lifts.

Notice in the picture above, Aimee has full lock out and control in her receiving position of the snatch. This is critical because when you are not solid in the receiving position, you will loose that bar, especially when dealing with a weighted load. Watch her training video above to get a feel of how today will progress!

WOD~ "Randy"
75 snatches (75#)

**challenge--- squat snatches**

Post times and weights to comments.


  1. The AM Peeps

    Joe ~ 75# 10:47
    Becky ~ 53# 12:04
    Sue ~ 43# 12:23
    Bob ~ 65# 13:40
    Tracy ~ 13:05 (3 rounds of 400 m run and 30 squats)

  2. The Nite Crew:
    BZ - 55# 12:38
    Chief - 45# 10:06
    Diane - 35# 8:17
    Gary - 45# 10:00
    Irene - 33# 9:58
    Nic - 70# 15:44
    Stacey - 33# 10:35
