Thursday, July 16, 2009

WOD 7/17/2009

Gary on the mend from a broken foot. Welcome back to our group and it's great to see you fighting through the alternative wods! Don't worry, we will get there!

Mike.....WOW! What improvements you have made! You simply blow me away each day. I bet if I told you a year ago that you would be doing handstand push ups, pull ups and jumping on the big box.... you would have laughed at me! Now look at you! You are a true machine and your spirit and determination is amazing! Keep moving on!

Gio..... here's an ice cream picture just for you. (Sorry gang, had to throw it in for chuckles with our Chicago affiliate friends.)

It is great to watch so many of you making these HUGE improvements and accomplishing so much more than where you started! That is truly what it is all about! Making the improvements to better yourself and trying new things that will challenge you both physically and mentally. You are amazing and inspiring! Keep it up!

WOD 7/17/2009
3 Rds:
9 overhead anyway (135#/95#)
12 push ups
15 pull ups
**Overhead anyway means you can clean/press, clean/push press, clean/jerk, or snatch....just get it from the ground to a locked overhead position....safely and with good form!

Go get some and post times and weight to comments.


  1. Morning Crew

    Steve Y - 115 lbs/13:50
    Bob - 115 lbs/14:09
    Joe - 115 lbs/13:17
    Becky - 73 lbs/13:24
    Sue - 55 lbs/13:00
    John - 95 lbs/14:10

    Great Job Everyone!!

  2. That at least looks great especially since they had to use the rain coats on themselves prior to eating them. Must have been the 10 scoop selection!

    Hugs and kisses! You guys rock!


  3. brett - 11:24 135#

    my arms don't want to go above my head anymore.

  4. Evening Crew:

    Mike - 95# 17:25
    Jamey - 115# 14:58
    Irene - 45# 12:17
    Kristen - 15# 10:48
    Diane - 70# 10:37

    I finally figured out how to drop the bar. I bet we will all be hurting tomorrow...letting the weakness out, right?
