Tuesday, May 10, 2011

NICK'S 21!

Nick turns 21 and he did what every other newly 21 year old would do.... pick a Hero WOD to do on his big day. He chose to honor Collin, which consisted of 6 rounds: 400m Sandbang carry 50#, 12 push press, 12 box jump, and 12 SDHP.


Clean ladder (135/95#) ~ Perform 1 clean on the 1st minute, 2 cleans on the second minute, etc until you reach failure.


  1. The CrossFit PrincessMay 11, 2011 at 4:51 AM

    The Early Morning Crew

    Becky ~ 73# 8+9
    Bob ~ 125# 8+5
    John ~ 100# 10+8
    Kelly ~ 35# (HPC) 13+5

  2. Evening Crew:

    Nick - 115# Squat Cleans 8+6
    BZ - 115# Squat Cleans 8+4
    Dina - 95# Squat Cleans 7+4
    Jamey - 135# 9
    Gary - 98# 13+6
    Chief - 95# 11+9
    Joel - 95# 13+8
    Sarah - 35# 11
    Irene - 63# 9
    Tai - 135# 9
