Thursday, December 10, 2009

KB Juggling

Above is a video of Jeff Martone from Tactical Athlete demonstrating the elite levels of kettlebell training. Jeff is an extremely knowledgeable guy, great athlete, and an extremely amazing person as a whole. We saw this demonstration last year during the KB certification we took. Amazing stuff! (The good stuff starts around 1 minute, 30 seconds into the clip. Fast forward to then if you don't have a lot of time. It's worth seeing!)

WOD ~ "Love Your Kettlebell"
3 Rounds:
30 KB clean and press (15 each side)
20 KB front squat
10 KB swing

Post time and KB weight to comments.


  1. Morning Crew
    John - #26 13:06
    Joe #44 12:26
    Bob #35 14:23
    Sue #18 12:31

  2. Evening Crew
    BZ - 16:07/30#/10
    Diane - 12:50/26#/14
    Gary - 14:11/25#/12
    Jamey - 14:20/35#
    MaryAnn - 10:28/10#and15#/14
    Mike - 11:43/25#
    Nick - 10:04/35#/16
    Steve - 9:11/35#/13
    Tai - 9:34/44#/13

  3. Sorry guys, as much as I'd like to take credit for the 11:43, I had a big DNF.
