Wednesday, August 12, 2009

"Girl" Pull ups

Mya and Hailey volunteered to be my "weights" for weighted pull ups..... family bonding time that Brett loves to capture on camera! We are a twisted family! :)

Monday/Wednesday was filled with pull ups! Are you feeling them? Well, we are making HUGE gains with sooooo many of you getting close to unassisted pull ups. We are working on those kips as our strength continues to grow. SCORE!

MON am / Wed pm WOD

10 rds:

1 min pull up

1 min off

Wed am/ Thurs pm WOD

Dina's famous kb ladder! (Can I get a what what?) I know you all love me when we do this one!


KB swing (75/55....YES that is accurate and not a type-o...the programming of this specific workout is designed as such)


Push up


  1. I love this KB workout and had done it with you in the past at CFM. Couldn't resist the opportunity to do it with the guys. We didn't know what the weights were assigned to and I definitely felt we should have gone heavier. Bummer that everyone did the wrong weights. Maybe we should re-do it :O)
    Hope you had a fun camping trip.

  2. Everyone did it with the proper weights, the weight assignments were posted on the board Monday before we left. Although you may have done this workout before, they haven't. This is a high metcon wod and one that needs monitoring as to not create rhabdomyolysis. That is why we had the weight limit specifically scaled for the am crew because we were not there to monitor. This is our responsibility to keep them safe and make gains in the proper manner with well developed program. The prescribed weights are 55/75# and next time, if you feel it is too light, you can increase your weights as needed.

  3. Oops...correction: I meant I felt I personally could have gone heavier because I didn't know what the weights were-I wasn't implying that everyone should have gone heavier. Sorry it was a typo !! And of course I was kidding around when I mentioned re-doing with heavier weights because I know everyone totally LOVES this workout LOL! :O)


  4. PM Gang...
    Dina 16:02 55#

    Diane 16:51 35#

    Mike 24:36 55#
