Wednesday, October 7, 2009


UPCOMING SCHEDULE MODIFICATION!JUST A HEADS UP.... at the end of October, there will be a few minor changes, as we will NOT BE HAVING CLASS THE WEEK OF OCTOBER 25-31ST. Don't worry....we have it all planned out and you are not off the hook. You do have homework assignments. hee hee hee On the week of October 19th, we will be holding class on Monday the 19th and Wed the 21st as typically planned, we will also hold a class on Thursday night at 5:30 pm (instead of the Friday evening class). If there are any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.

Boys lifting heavy. What more could a gal want? Except for more bumper plates, Olympic bars, d-balls, squat rack.... oh sorry, I digress.

WEDNESDAY NIGHT FIGHTS! (Time to get revenge on your trainers....)


  1. What a great morning to kick some .....

    The Morning Bunch started strong and finished stronger ....

    Sue ~ Becky ~ Joe ~ John ~ Bob ~ Steve Y ~ Steve A

  2. Evening Crew:

    Mike -- Jamey -- Gary -- Nick -- Diane -- Irene
    Did the work out. As far as the finisher MIKE please keep new ideas to yourself unless you have tested them. My hands still hurt but it was fun.

  3. Brett, after todays workout I considered cancelling your vacation but did not have enough energy to do it. Telly
