Sunday, August 22, 2010


Pictures above are from a portion of Saturday's team wod. This part included 'tire flip in and out jumps'. Stay posted for more pictures from the other obstacles!

Remember this week is a regular M, W, F 5:30 schedule followed by an additional wod on Saturday. Meet at PD at noon, then we will play hoover ball and have a cook out following the wod. Bring your swimsuit (if you'd like), a dish to pass, and your drink of choice!

WOD~ "Michael"
800m run
50 back extensions/supermen
50 ghd sit ups/ sit ups

Post time to comments.


  1. The CrossFit PrincessAugust 23, 2010 at 4:37 AM

    The Early Birds

    Becky ~ 25:27
    Bob ~ 29:58
    John ~ 30:12
    Tracy (welcome back) ~ 25:45

  2. The Nite Gang...

    Diane - 27:35
    Irene - 25:56 (scaled to 25 superman/situps)
    Stacey - 27:25
    Chief - 27:00
    Gary - 24:40
    Jamey - 23:50

  3. Monday 08-23-10

    Mike: 45:46
