Sunday, August 1, 2010


WOD~ "Jackie"
1000m row
50 thrusters (45/33#)
30 pull ups

Post time and weights to comments.


  1. Nick's WOD:
    2 Rounds of
    800 meter run
    50 goblet squats (55#)
    50 pushups

    time was 20:30.

  2. Turning in my homework late today and subbed "Annie" for my first workout back after a 3 week layoff.

    Time of 8:37 using basic bounce as I currently don't have the coordination for the triple skips or double unders!

  3. Morning Crew
    Joe - 9:16 RX
    John - 13:14 RX
    Sue - 13:24 RX
    Tracy - 13:49 RX
    Bob - 12:31 RX

  4. I forget how hard that first wod is after taking the week off and only doing running for your wods. UGH! Good to be back in the swing of it.

    Brett 10:37 @65#
    Dina 12:36 @45#

  5. The Nite Crew
    "Jackie" and Box Jump Max
    Jamey - 9:30RX (36 1/2 in)
    Mike - 10:54RX(black/red)
    Gary - 11:19RX(Blue) (36 1/2 in)
    Chief - 9:53RX (34 1/2 in)
    BZ - 12:17RX (55 in)
    Diane - 11:09RX(blue/black) (21 1/2 in)
    Irene - 17:13RX(blue/black)
