Sunday, February 6, 2011

KB Ladder

So today, we are bringing back an oldie Dina original. This wod is a great one that I don't see going anywhere. It is one of our favorites as it really ties in the whole body and pushes you to challenge yourself mentally playing the 'number games' in your head.

That being said, where did Kettle Bells come from? Many of you may think they are a new piece of American fitness, however, they date back to a much, much later date. The Kettle Bell is actually an ancient strength building tool that originated in Russia. Originally these were used by Russian Farmers as counter weights to measure large quantities of hay, grains or animal feed. Think of a scale, you place weight sets on one side to find the weight of an object. Well, the Russian Farmers literally found cannon balls that they formed into these weights. The farmers then added handles on the top so that they would be able to move them on and off the scales quicker. Naturally, they began to realize that swinging them around by the handles made for a great workout and thus we are where we are today. So when we assign you weights in "poods", which is the Russian measurement term, you can understand where it originated from.

"Kettle Bell Ladder"
KB Swing (2 pood / 1.5 pood)
SDHP with your KB
Push ups

Post time and pood to comments! :)


  1. The Evening Gang...
    Chief~15:07 44#
    Diane~17:22 35#
    Gary~19:10 53#
    Nick~14:15 62#

  2. Morning crew
    Tracy - 35# 18:27
    John 53# 20:43
