Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Crossfit Pyramid

The foundation of the CrossFit Pyramid is ''Nutrition''. This is something that cannot be overlooked, as it is the base of all that we do to achieve ultimate health. I know you hear us preach Paleo style eating to you.... it is what your body needs to achieve our goals. The processed foods and sugary drinks are not going to help us achieve the healthy weight, look, or feelings that we are longing for. So...... as a reminder, CrossFit's nutrition prescription:

"Eat meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruits, little starch, and no sugar. Keep intake to levels that will support exercise but not body fat...Nutrtition can be a toucy topic, like politics or religion, that people take very personally, but good nutrition is the foundation not only for general health but also for high-performance fitness.'' - Coach Greg Glassman.

We will take care of the remainder of the pyramid for you, but YOU need to be responsible to take care of the foundation!

OHS Drill

5 rounds:
10 OHS (115/75#)
15 Pull ups
400m Run

Post weight and time to comments.

1 comment:

  1. The AM CF Peeps

    John ~ 65# 23:18 (green band)
    Bob ~ 75# 24:31
    Becky ~ 53# 27:05 (red band)
