Tuesday, July 21, 2009

TEAM WOD 7/22/09

Welcome back, Kristen! Kristen doing her front squats with a kettlebell! Looking good!

Maria gives an awesome attempt at the tabata rowing competition and takes 2nd place with 47 calories. John Kanter came in 1st place with 55 calories! Now that's some rowing!

TEAM WOD 7/22/09
In teams of 2:
Run 400m together at same time... you cannot begin the next portion until you are both back from the run, so you might as well do it side by side.
100 thrusters (65/45#) --- only one person works at a time
100 pull ups --- only one person works at a time
100 box jumps --- only one person works at a time
Run 400m together at the same time

**The score is when the last person in your team crosses the line after the last run. Post times and weights to comment.... Who will be our team champions???? Da-da-duh- duh.... (suspenseful, huh?)


  1. Morning Crew
    Sue/Becky: 33 lbs/45 lbs 21:52
    Bob/Joe: 65 lbs 22:43
    John: 45 lbs 21:05

  2. PM Crew:
    Stacey/Jamey~ 45/65# 28:20
    Irene/Diane~ 33/33# 26:38
    Maria/Mike~ 45/45# 28:40
    Dina~ 65# 22:14
