Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Wed. 7/15/09

My brother, better known as "Uncle T", doing some overhead work while waiting in line at Disney.

Time to get back into full action!!!!!!!!!!!!

WOD 7/15/09

Run 400m
21 box jump (24 in)
21 OHS (95/65#)
Run 400 m
15 box jump
15 OHS
Run 400m
9 box jump

Post times and weight/heights to comment.


  1. Brett - 13:58 95# -- Wow i can tell i have been eating and drinking (non paleo friendly) for the last 12 days. i might not have gone any faster, but i wouldn't have looked so terrible. its great to be home. it was great to see the morning crew this moring and i'm looking forward to see the afternoon group.

  2. Dina 13:28 rx.... holy cow! Can tell I've been off for 2 weeks. Need to pull in the reins!

  3. Morning Crew

    Steve Y - 65lbs/13:54
    Becky - 45lbs/14:18
    Sue - 25lbs/13:30
    John - 33lbs/14:26
    Joe - 25lbs/12:49

  4. Well, at least you had a good 2 weeks of fun. Love the pics and I'm still waiting for my ice cream!

