Thursday, November 19, 2009

Dirty Thirty (Filthy 50's little sis!)

Amazing transformations! Just look at what we can do! Stick with it gang and you too can see the progress! :)

WOD~ "Dirty 30" (This is the little sister of the Filthy Fifty)

30 Box jumps
30 Jumping pull ups
30 KB swings (55/35#)
30 Walking lunge
30 KTE
30 Push press 45/35#
30 Back extensions
30 Wall balls (20-14#)
30 Burpees
30 Double unders (Good thing we have been practicing these!)

Post time and weights to comment.


  1. The Early Risers

    Joe 20:41
    Becky 21:27
    Bob 21:53
    Sue 21:10

    Have a great weekend everyone!!!

  2. The Night Crew...
    "Dirty 50"
    Dina - 45/35 32:59
    Nick - 45/55 33:45
    "Dirty 30"
    Diane - 33/35 17:42
    Gary - 45/45 22:36
    MaryAnn - 15/20 22:22
    Chief - 45/35 21:02
