Thursday, November 12, 2009

Hopper Deck!

What is today's workout????

We don't know yet! Today, we will be picking the workout from our Hopper Deck. It is filled with all of the favorites; Fran, Michael, Murph, Badger, Filthy Fifty, Helen, etc. That is the wonderful thing about Crossfit. Crossfit is a strength and conditioning system built on constantly varied, if not randomized, functional movements executed at high intensity. That includes real life skills such as standing, sitting, throwing, pushing, pulling, lifting, and running. So, just like life, you never know what you're going to get. What will we get today????? 3-2-1 Bring it!

Post the wod along with results to comment.


  1. The morning crew drew Tabata bottom to bottom squats. 8 rounds of 20 seconds of squats, 10 sec rest. rest needs to be in the bottom position.

    We then did a fininsher of Tabata push ups

    score for both is the lowest number of reps for a set.

    Joe 14 squat / 6 push up
    Bob 10 squat / 8 push up
    John 8 squat / 4 push up
    Sue 10 squat / 7 push up

  2. The evening crew drew the following wod:
    15 OHS (95/65#)
    10 KTE
    10 Elevated Pushups (actually it was for 5 handstand pushups, but due to bar limitation, it needed to be subbed for double the amount of elevated pushups).

    Jamey 65# 6rds
    Nick 65# 5 rds + 3ohs
    Mike 65# 3 rd +15 ohs +10 kte
    Gary 45# 6 rd + 4 ohs
    MaryAnn (alternating pvc & 15#- dbl sit ups for kte) 7 rd + 15ohs
    Steve 45# 7rds +10 pushups +5 KTE
    BZ 45# 6 rds +10 kte
    Tai 75# 5 rounds

    It was great getting together with everyone after class! What a fun finisher!
