Steve taking a moments rest.
40 Box jumps
30 KB swings (55/35#)
20 Thrusters (95/65#)
10 Burpees
5 Pisols (each side)
10 Burpees
20 Thrusters
30 KB swings
40 Box Jumps
Post time and weights to comments.
A conviction is a strongly held belief that is arrived at after considering personal experiences and any external inputs that may have been encountered.
We believe in what we do, we know what works, we have seen the results!
Morning crew
ReplyDeleteJoe 95/53 - 16:18
Bob 95/53 - 21:29
John 75/44 - 20:31
Sue 43/35 - 19:46
Evening Crew...
ReplyDeleteMaryAnn 15/15 - 14:51
Irene 35/45 - 18:55
Diane 35/53 - 15:59
Gary 45/75 - 22:37
Nick 55/95 - 22:35
Jamey 53/75 - 16:45
Mike 53/75 - 29:59
Steve 35/75 - 14:15