Sunday, February 7, 2010


Those handstands are coming along. Irene, Nick, and Steve work on maintaining a balanced stance through the guidance of spotters. Yes, some of their handstands are slightly off balance. However, we are making HUGE gains in building strength and stability with less spotting. Keep it up crew!

DL 3x3 then...

4 handstand push ups
8 chest to bar pull ups
12 DL (185/135#)
16 box jumps

**Compare to 6/5/09

Post weights and times to comment.


  1. Morning Crew

    Joe - 275, 295, 305
    Becky - 133, 153, 153
    John - 185, 185, 205
    Bob - 225, 235, 245

    Joe - 185# 8:54
    Becky - 133# 14:21
    John - 175# 15:15
    Bob - 183# 15:15

  2. Hello from Arizona: I worked out in Tempe this morning and unfortunately the work out was Fight Gone Bad so I did it twice within a weeks time.

    Irene - 211 reps.

  3. Hmmmmm..... I'm finding it hard to feel bad for you. Especially with the snow storm coming tonight while you get to enjoy the warm sun! It's really just a form of punishment to all of us stuck here in WI. Maybe Fran tomorrow! ;) Seriously though, hope you are having fun!

  4. correction.... a punishment FROM all of us stuck in WI

  5. The Night Crew:
    Gary - 185#, 195#, 205# (175#) 13:50
    Diane - 123#, 133#, 143# (118#) 12:09
    Tai - 205#, 225#, 250# (185#) 10:22
    Chief - 185#, 195#, 205# (165#) 13:22
    BZ - 205#, 225#, 250# (185#) 16:11
