Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Gymnastic based skills!

WOD~Complete 5 rounds for time of:

10 True Push Ups
10 Ring Dips
10 Weighted Sit Ups

*True Push Ups are done with both hands and feet balancing on parallets, make sure you get your chest below parallel. This movement is courtesy of CFFB.
*To perform weighted sit ups, hold a dumbbell close to your chest and perform a sit up with the use of an abmat for lumbar support.

Post times to comments.

Finisher~ Will their be a new fishing champion??????


  1. APB for the am crew. Got up at 4a to snowblow so that I would have time to workout and no one else showed besides Tracy and I. Little bit of snow deter the rest of the crew?

  2. as I heard John also showed uo and Bob did not even stay, he went home for breakfast. Telly

  3. Back squats 5,5,5
    forgot my weight so only did 43,48,53 Sorry trainers as I looked back I previously did 105, 95,95 Oh well next time. We also did pull ups and push ups, 10,8,6,4,2 took me 7:14 but finished.

    From Arizona

  4. Evening Bunch...
    Bz 45# 18:36
    Tai 45# 9:37
    Chief 45# 9:42
    Gary 30# 22:09
    Diane 15# 16:11

  5. Sue - 10:54
    Becky - 10:45
