Sunday, November 8, 2009

Frustration with double unders

Many of us get frustrated with double unders.   They are a tough skill to master, however, all of us are making progress.   We are working on smaller jumps (no high jumping) and keeping our hands close to our bodies, remembering that the key is simply quicker wrist rotation.   Easier said than done....believe us....we know!   We too need to work on this skill.   But, as always, embrace the suck!   Play the video below for a preview of the skill we will be working on this week. 

WOD~  "Clean Ladder"
1 clean the first minute (135/95#),
2 cleans the second minute,
3 cleans the third minute, etc.
until you reach failure. 
You may choose power or squat cleans, but which ever you select, stick with it the entire wod.

**Compare your times to 4/6/09 or 8/28/09**

Post rounds and weight to comments.   Any PRs?


  1. Joe - #115 squat cln - 8 + 7
    Bob - #115 Power cln - 8 + 5
    John - #95 power cln - 8 +5
    Sue - #73 power cln - 7 + 6

    Pr's for everyone. NICE JOB


  2. Evening Group...

    Diane - 65# 9rnds. plus 9
    Irene - 48# 10rnds.
    Tai - 115# 9rnds. plus 8
    Gary - 95# 8rnds. plus 5
