Monday, November 16, 2009

Welcome Chief!

The Conviction welcomes new member Steve, "Chief", to our group classes. Not only is he a hard worker, but he makes a mean power bar! Yummy!

MaryAnn returns to our little group just in time for thrusters and burpees! Perfect timing!!!!

WOD~ "Christine"
3 Rounds
500m row
12 Body weight deadlifts
21 Box jumps

Post time and weights to comment.


  1. Anonymous said...
    The AM Peeps

    Bob - 185# 18:05
    Steve A - 185# 18:10
    Steve Y - 185# 19:05
    John - 185# 18:00
    Becky - 123# 18:10
    Joe - 185# 14:35

  2. Forgot what I was missing!! Telly

  3. Evening Crew:

    Nick - 185# 15:32
    MaryAnn - 55#KB - 16:41
    Irene - 135# - 19:21
    Gary - 165# - 18:47
    BZ - 165# - 19:47
    Tai - 185# - 17:45
    Mike - 205# - 24:25
    Chief - 145# - 17:24
    Jamey - 195# - To Fast to keep track of.
