Sunday, March 28, 2010

Clean Ladder

WOD~ Clean Ladder
With a continuously running clock, do one clean and jerk the first minute, two clean and jerks the second minute, three clean and jerks the third minute... continuing as long as you are able. When you cannot complete the required number of reps for either exercise, that is your score.
Post rounds to comments.


  1. Morning Crew

    Becky 8 + 4
    Tracy 9 + 9
    Bob 8 + 7
    Joe 8 + 6
    John 9 + 9

  2. Evening Bunch
    Irene 8+6 55#
    Diane 10 63#
    Gary 9+8 95#
    Chief 9+3 95#
    Nick 10+7 115#
    BZ 9+3 115#
    MaryAnn 12+11 35#
