Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Thumbs Up!

Nick gives today's WOD a thumbs up approval!

WOD~ 4 Rounds

Row 500m (or we will Run 400m if weather is nice)

50 squats

Post times to comment


  1. Morning Crew

    Joe - 13:38
    Tracy - 17:33
    John - 17:17

  2. The Evening Group:
    MaryAnn -18:30/95
    Diane - 17:00/117
    Stacey - 17:00/90
    Jamey - 15:38/104
    Mike - 17:08/64
    Gary - 18:27/96
    BZ - 21:15/last run w/hose/72
    Tai - 21:15/last run w/hose/67
    Chief - 17:07/2 rows & 2 jump ropes/111

  3. So I didn't get times but i did do the WOD. stretched for warmup, then did 100 flutter kicks (cons.) and tabata situps (2 sets at 1 min and 30 sec rest, and 2 sets of 20 sec on 10 sec off) for the finisher. my legs are sore.

  4. PERFECT! That was our finisher too~ tabata sit ups.....you are right up to date. :) Burn baby burn....feel those legs! LOL See ya Friday to balance out the "pain".
