This is a version of the 4th WOD of the day in the Crossfit Competition that I did in Canada. It is an interesting twist on familiar moves. I actually personally really liked this one. When I did it, it was timed and we only had 1 minute to complete the lift, then we moved onto the pull up attempt for 1 minute, the clock was continuous, so no rest.
However, we are altering it for you, it will not be a timed wod, but rather strength bias. Enjoy!
7x1 Squat clean to THRUSTER! This cannot be a movement where you stand up and regrip the bar, it needs to go from the squat to directly overhead in order for it to count. If you stand up, regrip and then jerk the bar, it is a failed movement as this is a squat clean and jerk.... not a thruster.
In between each round, you get max attempt pull ups.
Your score to post is total count. For example if you squat clean/thruster 130# then do 12 pull ups, that would be a total of 142. Add all 7 weight and pull up attempts together to get your final score. Whew! Got that?????