Enjoy the 4th of July week and don't forget to do your homework! Post all homework times to comments.
WOD 1~
5 Push ups
10 Squats
15 Sit ups
Finisher Challenge (Optional)- Isometric walk squat hold--- sit against a wall without using your hands for support. Hold for as long as possible. If you are really ready for a challenge, do this 2 or 3 times and try to maintain your original time.
WOD 2~
Run 800m
75 Double Unders or 225 single skips
Run 400m
50 Double Unders or 150 single skips
Run 200m
25 Double Unders or 75 single skips
Finisher Challenge (Optional)- Plank hold for 1 minute - 3times
WOD 3~
100m sprint
20 Goblet squats -hold DB at your chest and squat (like a front squat w/ a db)
30 push ups w/ one hand on the db (alternate at 15 so that each hand is elevated for 15 reps)
40 DB swings (same set up as KB swing)
50 weighted sit ups with DB at your chest
100m sprint
***Pick one DB to use through all the movements. It should be a challenging weight.
Finisher Challenge (Optional)- Roll on your Lacrosse ball!