Sunday, March 14, 2010

New Bumper Plates!

Joe testing out our new state of the art bumper plates! (Look closely.... lol)

WOD~ "Jackie"
Row 1,000m
50 Thrusters (45/30#)
30 pull ups

Post time and weights to comment. Hey it's only one round and light weight, it can't be THAT hard. :)


  1. Arizona work out:
    5 x 5 pull ups and ring dips
    14 box steps w/20# weight on back
    10 push ups
    14 box steps w/20# weight
    10 KB swings 35#
    14 box steps w/20# weight
    10 sit ups
    14 box step;s w/20# weight
    10 snatches

    time without pull ups & ring dips was 7:04

  2. Cief 10:34 rx
    Nick 10:41 rx
    Gary 13:16 blue/blk band pull up
    TAi 16:11 ~ subbed 800m firehose drag instead of row

  3. Sorry for the delay with the post, the Irish took me hostage for the week!!

    Joe - 45# 9:37
    Bob - 45# 13:45
    John - 45# 12:16
    Becky - 33# 13:28
    Tracy - 25# 15:02
