Thursday, April 8, 2010


Watch one of the instructors, "Big Mike", whom we met in Texas. He is performing the same WOD that you will be doing today. Can you beat him??? ;)

WOD~ "Grace"
30 clean and jerks (135 / 95#)

Post weights and times to comments.


  1. Here are our times:

    Sue - 63# 7:46
    Becky - 83# 7:35
    Joe - RX 6:28
    John - 95# 7:18
    Bob - 115# 6:54
    Steve A - 95# 6:53

    Thanks!! Happy Friday

  2. The Friday Niters...
    Stace - 73# 5:22 6/10/2 blue/red
    Diane - 65# 5:01 8/6/6 grn/red
    Gary - 95# 6:39 20/15/15 elev. pushups
    Chief - 95# 6:00 7/4/4
    Tai - 135# 5:57 6/2/3
    Nick-115# 5:37 4/2,last attempt 15w/bl&red
    Mike - 95# 5:36
    Jamey - 115# 5:21 10/11/7
