Sunday, August 2, 2009


Due to the increasing participation in Fight Gone Bad Fundraiser, the site has changed.

To register under our team, follow these steps:
1. Log into
2. On the top right, click the square that says "Click here to register"
3. You will have to click "I agree" on the waiver.
4. Then in the drop box, select Wisconsin and under the affiliate drop box, select "Oak Creek-The Conviction"
5. Proceed to register by following their directions.

To send out emails once you are registered:
2. Athlete login ( your username and your password is your zip code)
3. Click email tab at top
4. Click send email tab on the right side (this will automatically include your new link) This is a WONDERFUL change because it goes directly through your email account so you can just send it to everyone in your address book without typing them in all by hand.

To make a donation to our team/one of our members or to have people donate for you (other than using the link provided in your email to them):
1. Log into
2. On the top right, click the square that says "Click here to donate"
3. Either type in the athlete's name OR type in "Conviction" for the team name, click "Select"
4. Select the name and proceed with the monetary donation.

WOD 8/3/09
30 kb clean and press~ 55/35# (15 each side) ***sub is 1 arm swings then press
400m run
20 kb clean and press (10 each side)
400m run
10 kb clean and press (5 each side)
400m run

Post times and weights (along with sub if necessary) to comments!

Happy Monday!


  1. Morning Crew:

    Sue / 18 lbs / 11:12
    Becky / 18 lbs / 11:21
    John / 26 & 35 lbs / 12:10
    Joe / 44 lbs / 10:42
    Bob / 35 lbs / 10:49

  2. Evening Crew


  3. Maria: 1/3 mile runs doubles with 30# KBs (60# total) 15/12/9 - time 18:28
