Thursday, August 6, 2009

Happy birthday monkey girl! Hailey turns 6 today, can you believe it! Those of you that have seen her with the rope climbs know she was born part monkey (I think that comes from Brett..haha). Seriously, this video was taken last year and she is still going strong. Point being: Crossfit is fun and something that can be enjoyed by people of all ages!

WOD 8/7/09
20 American kb swings (55/35#)
40 Push press (65/45#)
60 air squats

Go fast, go hard... post time and weights to comment!


  1. Morning Crew:

    New Member - Diana - WELCOME - 5lbs 7:56
    Steve A - 65lbs - 44/53kb - 21:41
    Steve Y - 65lbs - 44kb - 26:14
    Joe - 65lbs - 53kb - 23:21
    Becky - 45lbs - 35kb - 21:39
    John - 65lbs - 44/35kb(last) - 24:25

    Great Job ~ Have A Great Weekend!!

  2. Dina- 16:49 but needed to add 10 burpees to each round to get closer to our month's burpee goal... chest colds make it hard to breath...GRRRRR

  3. Happy Birthday!!!!!

    X X X X X X!!!!
    O O O O O O!!!!

    Well earned. God Bless you little one.

  4. Bob- 18:36 - 65lb - 45KB (heaviest KB we have)

    Angie - 13:50 (Rx) Fun workout. I was happy w/my time b/c I did FGB earlier and afterwards did a long OH bar carry the total length of our path (about 0.2 mile total or just under) and back (95lb 1/4 length, 65lb 3/4 length). Holy Shoulders Batman!

    Happy birthday Hailey!! Awesome rope climbs!!

  5. Irene - 30lbs - 33kb 33:24
    Mike - RX 28:03

  6. Happy Birthday Monkey Girl!
    Maria Rx 26:44 (using the stopwatch not the clock!)
    No ache in the shoulder.. hooyah!

  7. Hey Becky....awesome job beating all the dudes! Way to go! To quote Animal in the muppets, you are "WOMAN!" ;)

  8. Steve A. --> better luck next time, you think the aerodynamics would have helped more.

    Maria --> Nice job! Glad to hear the shoulder is coming back
