Tuesday, August 4, 2009

WOD 8/5/09

Diane and Stacey working on their kettlebell clean and presses.

Do you ever stop and wonder what drives you???? Where is your life heading???? What is meant for you to feel fulfilled??? Brett and I talked of this today. It's funny, because sometimes, the things that drive us ten years or more ago....and manage to be our careers may not be the same thing that drives us today. What motivates you? What makes you feel driven? Accomplished? Worthwhile? What pushes you over the edge for that extra yard? Hmmmm..... something to think about and evaluate as we try to make ourselves stronger...mentally, physically and spiritually. Where are we today? Post thoughts to comments. I'd love to see some discussion on this topic. Buehler? Buehler? Anyone?

WOD 8/5/09

800m run
15 shoulder press (95/65#)
800m run
15 push press (95/65#)
800 m run
15 push jerk (95/65#)

Post time and weights to comment.

Still waiting on more people to register for FIGHT GONE BAD in September. Go to http://www.fgb4.org/ and then click to register on the top right corner.... team is CONVICTION.....whoop whoop!


  1. Morning "Gang"

    Sue - 45 lbs 17:07
    Bob - 95 lbs 16:33
    Joe - 95 lbs 17:32
    Steve A - 65 lbs 15:55
    Becky - 45 lbs 17:14
    John - 55 lbs 17:32
    Steve Y - 95 lbs 19:36

    Great Job Everyone!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Night Gang ...

    Stacey - 50#/50#/65# 16:43
    Diane - 45#/55#/55# 16:50
    Mike - 85# 28:22
    Gary - row,press 45# 1x, bench 95# 2x 21:59
    Jamey - "Cindy" 13 rounds

  4. my real time was 29 minutes. I read the clock wrong. I figured that out this morning when Jennifer clocked in at 23:43. There is no way i beat her- she's a fast runner. Distance was off as well... .55 says google maps.
