Technique! It is all about technique! Dip-Drive-Dip. In order to develop an effective and efficient jerk, you must use an aggressive drive that arises from the first dip. This will allow the bar to rise into the air, allowing you to push your body down under the bar (this is the 'drop' movement or also considered the second 'dip'). Your body must be prepared to receive the bar overhead....talk about mid-line stabilization! In this locked out landing position, you have now just put yourself in a position where you can power the weight up with an assist from your legs. In doing so, this allows you to get more weight overhead than you could with a simple military press or even a push press.
In the picture above, Sue demonstrates an excellent catch upon competition of a strong drive. You can see that Sue had an aggressive drive and was able to drop below the bar to achieve full lock out position. As the weight increases, she will need to push her body down even further under the bar in order to maximize her weight. Excellent job, Sue!
WOD "Elizabeth"
Cleans (135/95#)
Ring Dips
*Cleans--> choose your poison: squat clean or power clean. However, whatever you select, stick with it throughout the entire workout.
Post times, modifications, and squat / power clean to comments.
Morning Posse
ReplyDeleteSue 63# Bar/Blue 13:16
Becky 83# Bar/Blue 13:22
John 45# Bar/Blue 12:55
Joe 115# Ring 12:15
Evening Group:
ReplyDeleteIrene 20# Ball Cleans/Box Dips 8:41
Diane 65#/Box Dips 9:08
Jamie 115#/Box Dips 10:00
Mike 115#/Black Band Dips 16:53
Stacey 75#/Blue Band Dips 10:58
Gary 85#/Blue Band Dips 14:20
FYI...Gary and Stacey shared weights to start, which slowed them down.