Saturday, September 5, 2009

This is FLIPPING fun!

The morning crew working on increasing functional movements. You may be surprised at how "functional" moving a tire might be. Some of you may think that this is something you may never do, however, that tire could be anything. For example: a bag of dog food, a child, a hose, a fellow officer, etc. The list goes on and on. To learn how to properly lift large and heavy loads quickly and for a given distance can prevent injury, save lifes, and keep us mobile. As Mark Rippetoe once said, "Strong people are harder to kill and generally more useful." (Yes, he has a warped sense of humor but he speaks the truth.)

WOD "Helen"
3 Rounds:
400m run
21 kb swings (55/35#)
12 pull ups

Way to go Mike and Gary for getting through the KB swings unbroken! Woohoo!

1 comment:

  1. Gary 13:06 35#
    Stacey 16:58 rx
    Erin 15:09 20#/ring rows
    Mike 18:30 rx WOOHOO!!!!!
    Dina 10:09 rx (I gotta learn to run better..UGH!)
    Brett 9:29 rx --show off
