How close are you getting towards reaching your May goal?
Many times I kind of snicker at all this goal setting stuff. When people ask, "What are your goals?" it seems like whoever can list the most goals wins. When in reality, all they are doing is telling all the things they want to do but may not achieve. These are more like dreams rather than goals.
Goals are "wants". Don’t get me wrong, so are dreams. However, goals are more specific. Nobody is to say that dreams cannot be met. However, they are not met in a blink of the eye. Rather, it takes numerous tiny progressive steps towards that dream in order to reach it. These progressive steps are your goals. And, you want to make sure that each stepping stone is obtainable. For example, to increase your deadlift by 10lbs in one month IS an obtainable goal. To be able to lift 450 lbs when right now you can only lift 300lbs, is simply not obtainable in a one month time frame. Baby steps! We need to focus on tiny gains and celebrate those victories.
I know in the evening class we have had numerous people reach their goals for the month of April. These are some great accomplishments! FAN-FLIPPING-TABULOUS! We are so proud of all of you! We just need to keep pecking away. If you don’t achieve it this month, no giving up! It will come! We will get there together, so just keep plugging away. We are here for you!
Remember goals are the stepping stones towards making our dreams a reality! J It just takes dedication, motivation, and time. Baby steps!
WOD~ "Diane"
DL (225/185#)
Handstand push ups
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