Sunday, May 9, 2010

Notice Becky's form. Shoulders are slightly in front of the bar, chest is up, weight is in the heels, and the extensions look fab at 5 AM! Loving it sexy lady!

WOD~ 5 rounds
10 true push ups
10 ring dips
20 sit ups (weighted)

Compare to 2/10.

Post time and weights to comment.


  1. The Early Risers

    Becky (red) 35# 22:09
    Sue (blue) 30# 23:03
    Tracy (green) 35# (reg pushups) 22:32
    Bob (RX) 45# 22:32
    John (green) 40# 22:41

    Happy Monday CrossFit Peeps!! :-)

  2. The PMer's
    Diane 15:25 - 20# Bench Dips
    Irene 15:13 - 20# Bench Dips
    Stace 16:41 - 25# Bench Dips
    BZ 18:10 - 45# RX
    Chief 13:23 - 55# Bench Dips
    Gary 16:46 - 35# Blue band Dips
    Jamey 15:18 - 55# Bench Dips

  3. Andy 18:44 - 25# Black Ring Dips

  4. Nick's score:
    13:28- 45# and i used a regular dip bar but doubled the amount if that means anything.
