Sunday, April 3, 2011

It's Monday and Nick's in LOVE!

WOD~ OHS work- 3 sets of hold 15 sec top, squat 3xs then hold 15 sec bottom THEN..... 15, 12, 9 OHS 135/95 burpee pull up Yippee yeah! What an awesome wod day! Post OHS sets and time/weights to comments.


  1. Tracy - 53 fail, 43, 43 - 43# burpee and pull ups 10:19

    Sue - 63, 63, 63 - 63# burpee and pull ups 10:34

    Bob - 95, 105, 115 - 105# burpeepullup 12:48

    John - 65, 65, 65 - 65# burpeepullup 10:54

  2. Nite Gang...
    Gary~45,50,55/55# burpee & pullup 12:48
    Chief~55,65,65/65# 9:12
    Diane~20,33,38/43# burpee & pullup 8:28
    Irene~15,20,33/25# squat,pushup & pullup 10:36
    Nick~75,80,85/115# 17:12
    BZ~70,75,80F/115# 18:16
