Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Happy holidays to our Crossfit family!

New for 2010!!!! Pictured above, our new Christmas gear workout line, inspired by Under Armour. Remember to wear your festive clothes to class today! It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

WOD~ "12 days of Crossfit"
1- Plank (5 sec hold)
2- DB thruster
3- AB mat sit ups
4- pull ups
6- box jumps
7- push ups
8- kb swings
9- DB squat clean and press
10- Jumping lunges
11- KTE
12- DU

So the first round is just one Superman hold. Then the second round is 2 dumbbell thrusters and 1 Superman hold. The third is 3 AB mat sit ups, 2 db thrusters and 1 Superman hold. This continues so that the 12th round incorporates all 12 movements.
Post times and weights to comments!

1 comment:

  1. Becky, John and Joe were here representing the Morning Crew .... we worked out (yep, that's all we got for ya today)! The missing links, I guess were with us "in spirit".

    Merry Christmas!!
