Sunday, December 13, 2009

Mini Daniel

"Mini Daniel"
25 pull ups
200m row
12 thrusters (95/65#)
500m row
12 thrusters
200m row
25 pull ups
Post time and weights to comments.
FYI: Dedicated to Army Sgt 1st Class Daniel Crabtree who was killed in Al Kut, Iraq on Thursday June 8th 2006.


  1. The Morning Crew

    Becky - blue/63# 15:18
    Bob - 95# 15:13
    John - red/green/80# 12:46
    Joe - 95# 9:54
    Steve A - blue/95# 13:41
    Sue - green/red/43# 11:42

  2. Night Gang...
    Gary - 75# - 13:28 bl/blk
    Stacey - 45# - 12:55 bl
    MaryAnn - 25# - 14:28 grn
    Diane - 53# - 15:53 bl/blk plus another rnd. pu's...cuz I love them!
    Irene - 45# - 17:00 bl
    Steve - 75# - 13:23

  3. OK.. so I didn't start the watch... but it took me 2.5 Limp Bizkit songs

  4. Brett wants me to ask you if you are due for a random drug test..... I don't find it funny, but apparently it is male humor. :) Glad to hear you joined in, but always love to see you here!
