Sunday, February 21, 2010

Seventh Heaven Baby!

The fishing game was very intense! Competative nature filled the air, then... two little children stopped in and asked if they could participate. Results: A NINE YEAR OLD FISHING GAME CHAMPION BY A LANDSLIDE! Congratulations Graham!

And we cannot forget the heroic efforts given by Mya, 7 years old, and yes, she beat Tai who was a very good sport about it. :) Okay firebreathers, you need to regain the championship. Rematch will appear again down the road!

WOD~ "Seventh Heaven"
7 Rounds:
7 thrusters (95/65#)
7 pull ups
7 burpees ---> Yeah burpees!
Post times and weights to comments.


  1. Huh.. may just come out of hiding for this one!!

  2. The Morning Bunch ~ Happy Monday!!!

    Joe - 95# 15:56
    Bob - 95# 20:22
    John - 80# 20:11
    Sue - 53# 19:50
    Becky - 63# 19:10
    Tracy - 35# 20:03

  3. Arizona Workout:

    :90 Row 348 meters
    60 Box Steps w/20# bag on shoulders
    :90 Row 324 meters
    30 Box Steps w/20# KB each hand
    :90 Row 313 meters

    12:30 Time

  4. Evening Group:
    Dina - 65# 15:15
    John - 95# 15:09
    Chief - 75# 13:01
    Diane - 58# 13:58
    Stacey - 53# 17:30
    Gary - 75# 18:59
    BZ - 85# 23:28 and boy can he jump high!
    Nick - 95# 15:08

  5. Had to be a 6th Heaven.... Lost count, but pretty sure in hindsight, a 15:09 doesn't seem realistic....
