Thursday, February 4, 2010


WOD~ In teams of 2, complete.....

5oom row (each person)
100 thrusters (65/45#)
100 pull ups
100 box jump
500m row (each person)
**Only one person can work at a time.
Post team times and weights to comments.


  1. have there been any Telly sightings? write is if you have seen him. Mabey we should start checking the ditches.

  2. Morning Crew

    Sue/Becky 45# - 24:37
    John/Bob 65# - 23:34

    TGIF fellow CrossFit Peeps!!

  3. Telly is alive but very tired. I knew that I would have been odd person out so I did not want to throw off the even numbers this morning. I am thinking of you all:)

  4. Note: Morning crew had access to running 400m w/ together with their partner. The pm crew rowed 500m one at a time.

    Tai/Chief 25:14
    Nick/BZ 29:28
    Jamey/Gary 55# 28:06
    Mike 55# 22:38 (numbers were just 1/2 b/c he didn't have a partner)

    Nice job teams!
