WOD ~ "Spartan 300"
25 pull ups
50 Deadlifts (135/95#)
50 push ups
50 box jumps
50 GHD sit ups (in the actual wod, they did floor wipers)
50 single arm clean and press ~25 each side (36# kb or db)
25 pull ups
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A conviction is a strongly held belief that is arrived at after considering personal experiences and any external inputs that may have been encountered.
We believe in what we do, we know what works, we have seen the results!
Your turn to get low today on squat cleans.... all the way down, @$$ to grass baby!
Squat Cleans 3x5
3 power cleans (above 90)
5 front squats (below 90)
7 push jerks
Post weight sets along with weight and times to comment.