Thursday, April 29, 2010

Spartan 300

Want Hollywood muscle? This 300-rep Spartan workout was used by the cast of the movie 300 in order to achieve a full-body transformation. For a Spartan-sized challenge, consider this your new fitness gauntlet for the day:
WOD ~ "Spartan 300"
25 pull ups

50 Deadlifts (135/95#)

50 push ups

50 box jumps

50 GHD sit ups (in the actual wod, they did floor wipers)

50 single arm clean and press ~25 each side (36# kb or db)

25 pull ups

Post weight and times to comment.


  1. since I can't count to 50 I pass. telly

  2. Only have to count to ten five times.... ain't so bad, so we will see you in the AM. :)

  3. Fit & Fantastic Morning Crew

    Bob - 165# DL, 35# DB, GHD - 31:00
    John - 155# DL, 30# DB, 31:10
    Sue - 103# DL, 20# DB, 28:02
    Becky - 113# DL, 25# DB, GHD - 30:40

  4. brett 25:10
    the clen and presses beat me down


  5. The Strong PM Crew:
    BZ 165#DL,30#DB,AbMat-39:24
    BC 195#DL,35#DB,GH-26:25
    Chief 165#DL,30#DB,GH-29:23
    Diane 70#KB,15DB,AbMat,red/blue-18:28
    Dina 135#DL,25#DB,GH-25:47
    Nick 195#DL,30#DB,GH-25:15
    Tracy 103#DL,15#DB,AbMat,Blue-31:46
