Tuesday, January 5, 2010

John and Gary working on various forms of push ups. My what strong boys we have!

3x5 bench press

3 rds
10 pull ups
10 Single DB thrusters (10 each hand) **use approximately 25% body weight each hand)

Post weight and times to comments.


  1. The Morning Crew ... Welcomes New Member TRACY!!

    Bench Press
    John - 135 135 145
    Joe - 185 205 225
    Bob - 185 176 165
    Sue - 65 65 65F
    Becky - 65 70 75

    3 Rounds - Thruster Weight
    John - 35 4:25
    Joe - 45 3:32
    Bob - 40 4:21
    Sue - 15 3:54
    Becky - 20 3:54

  2. Night Crew
    Tai - 205x5,225x3,215x2 - 40# 5:55
    Gary - 125,135,145 - 35# 6:58
    Nick - 175,185,185 - 45# 6:28
    Jamey - 115x5,125x2,115x5 - 45# 10:56
    Mike - 95,105,110 - 30#(R),40#(L) 10:28
    Diane - 53,58,63 - 20# 6:28
    Stacey - 68,73x4,73x5 - 15# 6:51
    Irene - 53,58,63 - 15# 6:03
