Sunday, January 17, 2010

Models Wanted!

So, we decided that it might be a great idea to create our own little Conviction calendar. Above is January's pin ups. whhooooo whoooo (That's a cat whistle folks!) Can you recognize any members of our little community?

WOD~ Pull up beat down (Your bar exam)
10 rounds (or 20min)
1 minute of pull ups
1 minute of rest

**Compare and try to beat your numbers from 10/22/09
Post score to comments.


  1. Mornin' Crew ~ Happy Monday!

    Lookin' Good BC ... Whoot Whoot!! Speaking of ... how's the "tummy ache"? We missed ya this morning.

    Pull Up Challenge:
    Becky (red) 102
    Bob 100
    Sue (sm blk/grn) 192
    Tracy (black) 155
    John (sm blk/grn) 136

    Back Squat:
    Becky ~ 135 135 135
    Sue ~ 115 115 115
    Bob ~ 165 175 185 190 185
    John ~ 165 175 185 195 190
    Tracy ~ 65 65 65

  2. The Evening Group
    Chief - 118 pullups - 135,140,145
    Nick - 119 pullups - 185,190,195
    Diane - 127 pullups(red/bl) - 95,105,115
    MaryAnn - 82 pullups(gr) - 95,95,105
    Gary - 80 pullups(bl) - 135,145,145
    Irene - 82 pullups(red) - 95,100,105
    BZ - 94 pullups - 135,145,(f2)140
    Tai - 151 pullups - 185,185,185

  3. Gary's last back squat was actually 150 :)

  4. Huba, Huba, I am the "Barb" this calendar was autographed to. I was at the Firefigher Competition the night Joe was selected. Having seen him recently, he still looks as ripped and hot as he was in his 1998 calendar pin-up!

  5. See what happens when you skip your wods Joe....... better be there next time, or else. :)

  6. why is jack topless and joe has on his christmas sweater? i dont understand.?
