Sunday, July 4, 2010

Time to continue to embrace the suck! Yes, more overhead work will help our midline stabilization, oly lifts, and plus they look cool!

OHS 3 reps for 3 sets but you need to hold 15 seconds on the top, then perform the 3 reps and before you come back up out of the 3rd rep, you need to hold 15 seconds on the bottom.

Tabata Mash up:
Squats and Box jumps
(20 sec squats, 10 sec rest, 20 sec box jump, 10 sec rest, continue) A total of 16 sets, 8 of squats and 8 of box jumps.

Post OHS weights, along with total reps on the tabata wod to comments.


  1. The CrossFit PrincessJuly 5, 2010 at 4:07 AM

    Happy Monday!!

    The AM Fit and Fantastic Group

    Overhead Squats
    Becky ~ 53#
    John ~ 45#
    Joe ~ 95#

    Tabata Mash Up
    Becky ~ 179
    John ~ 153
    Joe ~ 214

  2. Later Morning Crew:

    Overhead Squats:
    Irene - 33#,33#,45#
    Stacey - 45#,50#,55#
    Steve - 45#,55#,60#
    Mike - 33#,45#,55#
    Jamey - 85#,95#,105#
    Bz - 65#,75#F,75#,80#F

    Tabata Mash Up
    Irene - 142
    Stacey - 130
    Steve - 192
    Mike - 135
    Jamey - 214
    BZ - 176

  3. Brett 65, 75, 80# ~ 196
    Dina 70, 75, 80, 85 ~ 197
