Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Team rowing competition

Above are the elevated pushups from Saturday's team wod.... stay tuned for more action shots! :)

Remember this week is a regular M, W, F 5:30 schedule followed by an additional wod on Saturday. Meet at PD at noon, then we will play hoover ball and have a cook out following the wod. Bring your swimsuit (if you'd like), a dish to pass, and your drink of choice!
WOD~ Rowing Competition
4 rounds:
500m row (person 1)
500m row (person 2)

**If numbers do not allow 2 person teams, we will adjust so that each team member must row 2,000m total.

Post total time to comments.


  1. Morning CrossFit Peeps

    Paul/John ~ 17:57
    Bob/Becky ~ 17:15 :)

    Sue ~ 26:24
    Joe ~ 30:34

  2. The Nite Crew

    Chief/Nick - 15:00
    Irene/Stace/Diane - 27:19

    Maxuim Pullups:
    Chief - 24
    Nick - 22
    Stace - 12 (Blk)
    Irene - 15 (Blk/Bl)
    Diane - 17 (Blk/Bl)
