Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!

We hope that everyone had a happy halloween! Now it's time to work off all that candy that you secretly snuck out of the bowls! Hopefully nobody will meet Pukie today, unlike the pumpkin above!

100 DU
40 DB cleans (35/20#)
Run 400m
75 DU
30 DB cleans
Run 400m
50 DU
20 DB cleans
Run 400m
25 DU
10 DB cleans
Run 400m

***40 minute cap***

Post times and weights to comments.


  1. The CrossFit PrincessNovember 1, 2010 at 4:48 AM

    Morning CrossFitters

    Becky ~ RX 31:50
    Bob ~ 30#/25 DU each round and triple singles remainder 30:55

  2. Evening Gang...
    Brett~30#/25DU each round 38:20
    BZ~30#/25DU each round 36:50
    Chief~25#/25DU each round 34:45
    Diane~15#/singles 28:46
    Gary~25#/singles 36:51
    Irene~10#/singles 37:59
    Tai~35#/all rounds DU except 75 singles 33:14
