In teams of two, perform the following, relay style:
Complete AMRP20
1 Power Clean 135/95#
2 Hang SQUAT Cleans
3 Push Jerks
One person completes a full round, then the second person completes round 2, etc until 20 minutes are up. The same weight/bar should be used for all of the movements. Score is the combined total rounds. Post rounds and weight to comments.
The AM Crew
ReplyDeleteBob & John ~ 95# 46 Rounds
Becky & Sue ~ 53# 46 Rounds
The PM Gang...
ReplyDeleteMike~95#/19 Rounds
Irene(48#)&Diane(53#)~30 Rounds
Sarah&Maria~53#/32 Rounds+1PC+1HSC
Chief&Gary~100#/28 Rounds+1PC
Jamey&Joel~115#/32 Rounds+1PC+1HSC
Brett(115#)&Dina(RX)~32 Rounds=1Pc+2HSC+2PJ